WCCA Press Release Sept. 26th, 2018

Media Release Sept. 26th, 2018

1,000+ Lower Mainland Christian leaders covenant to defend children and families

Media Release

Sept. 26, 2018  

200 Evangelical Christian pastors and 1,000 Christian leaders have united to affirm their commitment to the Church, country, community, family and to the protection of children.

Over 1,200 committed Christians have signed the West Coast Christian Accord (WCCA), a declaration of covenant up-holding Biblically-based truth on human identity, sexuality, marriage and the responsibility to protect all children. 

Senior Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh, spokesman and signatory to the WCCA states: "Beginning last fall pastors across the lower mainland began to meet and share stories about what was transpiring in the schools.  This effort grew as more and more horror stories emerged about confused children and the bully tactics of sex activist teachers."Pastors became increasingly concerned as their churches were targeted and bullied by SOGI agenda adherents.  Threats were made against them if they even so much as hosted a SOGI information meeting exposing the dangers of SOGI resources.  "My church was one of those targeted," says Pastor Cavanaugh.

These tactics, along with the vilification of respected Christian leaders in the media and the exclusion of the faith communities in determining a so-called "inclusive" resource convinced the Biblically-based Christian leadership that it was time to amplify their voice and expand their influence. 

The signatories will be asking Rob Felming, the BC Minister of Education, to cease use of all SOGI related resources in schools. 

The West Coast Christian Accord will be available live on Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson's Facebook:

A comprehensive backgrounder on SOGI 123 is available at:

For more information, please contact

Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh:(604) 771 0110(604) 581 8933[email protected]

Pastor Giulio Gabeli:(604) 833 6513[email protected]

Pastor Paul Dirks(778) 709 5995[email protected]