Social Post From Laura-Lynn March 11, 2020

Laura-Lynn - "The Attorney General is being brought in" March 12, 2020

The Battle For Parental Rights:Stopping The Transgender Agenda

Breaking NewsMarch 12, 2020

"This is the story that all of Canada's establishment wants shut down!We will not bow to the offensive ideology that children can be sterilized and mutilated without parental consent.  In the face of growing world-wide concerns that harmful practices are taking place... by doctors who are either ignorant or willfully blind to the ramifications of what they are doing, we must speak.Thank-you Lee A. Harding, for speaking the truth."

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Important UpdateMarch 12, 2020- The Attorney General is Being Brought In -

"Possible criminal charges will be put forward against the father of the daughter who was transitioned without parental consent and against myself.  The activist lawyers have insisted they will be there, and in spite of the fact they represent the child, they have not honoured her wish to not find the father in contempt of court. Lesbian lawyer Barbara Findlay spoke about proper pronouns and Bill C-16. She also spoke about the Infants Act which has been used to give a 14-year old the right to change her body permanently with cross-sex hormones.Canada is now facing a pivotal time in our Charter freedoms.  What will happen next?"

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson 

"The Attorney General Is Being Brought In!"

- Click below to watch -

"Please, join the battle!  My commitment is to see this through to victory!I do not have any recourse but to fight the injustice that has come to Canada.  Children are the vulnerable victims of a society telling lies and misleading the masses with inaccurate, unscientific information which is causing great harm to our youth."

Enough is Enough!

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson


"First, the schools tell your kids that gender is fluid and they could be a boy inside a girl's body and vice versa.  Then they "help" your children change their name without parental knowledge or approval.  Then the school counselors (ONLY) affirm their gender confusion.  Then the doctors have a policy to transition all kids and send them to BC Children's hospital.  Then useless doctors at Children's Hospital are guilty of malpractice as they offer kids testosterone after a first time two hour visit."- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson 

This is a note I received February 24, 2020, from a Mother who is beside herself dealing with this situation.  She wants to remain anonymous at this time.This is a sick trend that is destroying families and young lives. The sex activists have infiltrated and are stealing our children's identities. It's time to fight back!- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson 

A Note From An Anonymous Mother:

BC, CanadaFeb. 2020

"My daughter wants to be a boy and start the hormone treatment.  I am refusing to allow her the treatment.  Her school has changed her name in the system without asking me.  My family doctor has told my 13 year old daughter to go see her behind my back.  That she doesn't have to tell me anything about what they do.  It seems like society is really pushing this gender thing and it's making me crazy.  It makes no sense to me?!? She was fine until she started going to high school.  Then just before school started, she cut off all her hair and started 'being a boy'."

The Kelsey Coalition Article published Jan. 30, 2020:

"Young woman suffering the irreversible effects of Testosterone begs Lawmakers - Please protect young people from medical harm"

Presented by Sydney Wright to the South Dakota House State Affairs Committee on January 22, 2020

"With people changing their minds in their 20's, why are we transitioning teenagers?  Where is the "best practices manual" and accountability for doctors who should be sued for malpractice by transitioning kids after one - 2 hour visit?  Keep good notes, kids.  As soon as you change your mind, remember, your doctor should have known that this would happen... sue them!  Time to bring accountability to the entire activist medical system."

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

The Kelsey Coalition Article published Feb. 5, 2020:

"Even 21-Year-Olds Grow Up and Change Their Minds!"

The Daily Signal Article published Feb. 21, 2020:

"Sex Change isn't surgically possible, my surgeon testified in Court"

Written by Walt Heyer

"What are we doing to our children in Canada?  There is no accountability and no common sense.  It's time to fight this insanity."

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Freedom Project Media Article published Feb. 24, 2020:"Court Orders Testosterone for "Transgender" Girl, Gags Father & Media"

Written by Alex Newman 

Life Site News Article published Feb. 18th, 2020:"Judge muzzles blogger for interviewing Canadian dad trying to stop daughter’s ‘transition’ to male."  

Written by Lianne Laurence

"If it is so hard to sterilize adult women, why are females in Canada, who are underage, allowed to go on puberty blockers, testosterone or Lupron within the first two hour visit?  This leads to sterilization when they transition their gender.  This can all be done without parental permission.  How is this ethical in Canada?"- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson 

For more information, please check out Laura-Lynn's Facebook Page  and Youtube, as well as The Canadian Council for Faith & Family website that explains Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity  (SOGI).

(To access, click the buttons below) 

Laura-Lynn's Facebook Profile
Information on SOGI

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