Social Post From Laura-Lynn April 22, 2020

Laura-Lynn - NEW VIDEO - April 23, 2020

- Must Watch Video  -

April 23, 2020

Here is my latest video on the uncovering of millions of dollars sent to the Wuhan lab under the control of Dr. Fauci, and in Canada, Trudeau sent hundreds of thousands of dollars which helped create the crisis we are now facing.  Dr. Tam continues to mishandle the situation as she places her loyalty to the World Health Organization over the citizens of Canada.  Where does her loyalty lie?  It's time to fire Dr. Fauci and Dr. Theresa Tam.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to do these reports and to boldly confront the lies of our mainstream media and the godless elitist leaders who are attempting to shut down our liberties.  We all want safety for our loved ones, but when that ideal is used as a weapon to scare the general populace over a virus with a 98% recovery rate... something is really wrong.  The enemy has an agenda to frighten all of us into giving our courage and allowing those who do not serve or believe in our God to control us and take away our freedom to worship corporately and our freedom to live in peace.  We pray for the sudden and swift end to COVID-19 and the protection of the Lord over our nation of Canada.  

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Psalm 91 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.  

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Trudeau, Tam Costing Canadian Lives -Trump Saving Lives

April 15, 2020

Trudeau and Tam are costing Canadian lives.  Almost half the fallen victims of COVID-19 are the elderly, but Dr. Theresa Tam and the Canadian medical authorities have decided to ignore the miracle drug HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE with ZINC and have told doctors in Ontario to "stop prescribing unproven drug combination touted by Donald Trump."  

People are dying, yet Trudeau and Dr. Tam are denying the use of a cure touted by doctors around the world as having "miraculous results", some claiming 100% positive outcomes.  Even as Trudeau violates travel bans to fly to be with this family while we are locked down they have sentenced patients to death.  Trudeau and Tam have placed their hatred for Trump above the love for their countrymen.  We will see tragedy because of their mismanagement of our crisis.

We pray for the swift and sudden end to Covid-19.  Please share this information in the video in case anyone you know or their loved ones become ill, so that they are able to ask for the medication that is saving lives across the world. Be safe and trust the Lord. All is well, my friends, all is well.

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson 

Isaiah 10:1

Woe to those who enact evil statutesand to those who constantly record unjust decisions. 

April 13, 2020

Dear Friends, 

We are witnessing unprecedented events in our world.  My video below highlights how I believe Bill Gates is attempting to usher in what could be the mark of the beast.  I provide some fascinating information on this man's attempt to digitally implant the entire population of Earth. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers, your encouragement and your support.  I cannot do this without you.  We stand strong and believe together for the swift and sudden end to Covid-19.  Recent reports show that the outcome is not as bad as predicted and the possibility that hydroxychloroquine plus zinc is a miracle-working combination to kill the virus.  Of course, Bill Gates would rather just have us all vaccinated in combination with a digital implant.  We say, no. As of yesterday, Keith Baldrey, Global News BC legislative reporter stated that in BC, new cases of Covid-19 are dropping.  It has been up to 70 cases per day, but now it's down to 40.  There are 128 in the hospital with approximately 60 people in intensive care.   There are 4,000 hospital beds empty in BC.  If you get off a plane and are unwilling to confine yourself for 14 days you will be forced to go to a hotel on taxpayer dollars.  All of this is good news at this time, except that we all don't get a free hotel room! Thank you for following me and be sure to catch all my latest broadcasts on Youtube or Facebook.  Click, "Subscribe" to be automatically informed of each new video.

- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

"Trump, Bill Gates, Fauci, Mark of the Beast,Digital Implants and Hydroxychloroquine"

- Click below to watch - 

Psalms 119:49 & 50Remember Your Word to Your servant, for You have given me hope.  My comfort in my suffering is this:  Your promise preserves my life. 

Terrorist expert, Tom Quiggin, talks about Covid-19, Trudeau trouble, immigration racism and the future of the CPC leadership race.


The world as you knew it two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, is pretty much gone.  The world as you understood it last week is gone.


If you see the value of this kind of honest dialogue to engage in our culture and share the power of Jesus Christ, please consider a much appreciated donation to:  LAURA LYNN MINISTRIES also known as SHEPPARD MINISTRIES. 


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