Laura-Lynn's Newsletter October 3, 2023

The Movement That Has United Canada to Save Our Children!

- Greetings from Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson -

October 3, 2023

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What is The Real Agenda?

In 2021 the WEF stated “Our education systems are relics of the past. It’s time to bring them into the present...Teachers and educators must be at the heart of this transformation.” But is this really a move to a new way of approaching education? Below are some of the 45 Goals of Communism that date back to 1958 on this continent. 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. Educational disruption is the “new” way forward they tell us. The author explains that we are living in the 4th industrial revolution, yet our schools are stuck in the first. So, what needs to change?  

  1. Disrupt legacy curriculum by incorporating a more progressive approach which they say means moving beyond the 3 Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic) and toward the 5 Cs (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, and coding).

  2. Teachers need to embrace automation, robotics, and algorithms. Teachers need to lead the change in the classroom.

  3. Disrupt the pace. Push the automation and innovation agenda to maximum speed. 

 Yuval Noah Harari, transhumanist, and transgender advocate/author, has come out with a children’s book born of his conviction that children need to learn “history.” What does he mean by history? Not the history of our faith, God, and the human purposeHis history is a very selective history which, not unlike the Marxist histories, is revisionist and serves his purpose of breaking with God and faith and promoting the deification of man. When man is god then what is natural is whatever he is capable of which opens the door to a relative morality that is guided not by God’s laws but by human laws. Harari tells us that the next step in human evolution, and demands we transcend our archaic beliefs about sexuality, which segue into the transgender cultism. In a nutshell, Harari has been setting the groundwork for the great transhumanist agenda supported by the WEF. We often think of this agenda as a new phenomenon, but a little look at actual history, not Harari’s fictitious history, will lay bare the reality that man’s preoccupation with his own deification goes all the way back to the fall of man in the garden and is diabolical in nature. What can we do to counter this lie? Recently I was part of a historic national event, 1Million March for Children. I witnessed a great collaboration across cultural, religious, and philosophical beliefs, that joined Canadians from coast to coast. We were ALL standing for the protection of our children from the gender ideologues and cultists who, under the guise of wanting to move us all into a better future, are working toward their ultimate goal of taking away parental agency of our children so that they can mold our children to their ideological agenda. This event was not a one and done event. It is the beginning of a movement that we hope will continue to grow and bring awareness to the sinister agenda of the WEF and their agents in our country.  In this newsletter, you will hear from guests who have been fighting this fight and bring great insight into the dangers of SOGI 123 curriculum and initiatives and the attack against the innocence of our children. God Bless you and keep you inspired to do what you can to protect our children and their future. Much love, Laura-Lynn

What Are They Telling The Children?!

In this episode, we spoke to Gabrielle Clark a fierce warrior for free speech rights, sex-based rights and parental rights. She has fought in court against Critical Race Theory (CRT) indoctrination and created a program to help her daughter successfully desist transitioning. She offers coaching services to parents who find themselves in similar circumstances. 

September 13, 2023

Live With Kamel El-Cheikh and The Million March for Children

September 19, 2023

The Crisis in Canadian Politics

Former CPC leadership candidate Grant S. Abraham discusses the problem in Canadian politics and the Conservative Party in particular. He outlines that there is a crisis in Canadian politics and it is a crisis of morality and principles that allows for the sidestepping and ignoring of foundational issues like the gender cult that has entered our political landscape and the intrusion of agendas that come from WEF and other foreign entities.

September 21, 2023

Public Sector Unions Run by Far Left LGBTQ Activists

Lawyer Lisa Miron joined us to talk about the Marxists/Communists who seem to be running the public sector unions and how the policies they advocate for could end up destroying our liberal democracy as we know it and how they have already caused serious damage to our children with their gender politics.

The Era of Champions!

A champion stands out among the rest. They are exceptional and catch our attention, because of their ability to do something that many will not. They rise to the next level while others cower in fear. A champion is one who fights on behalf of others, undertakes to defend a cause, and is a superior fighter and combatant in the field.We are in the fight of our lives and for our children. We welcome Lance Wallnau, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Brian Ardis, Pastor Artur and Nathaniel Pawlowski, along with other amazing champions, to enlighten, inspire, enliven and revitalize you!The champions are coming with fire in their eyes. They will not be silent. From the blazing inferno of justice raging in their souls, they are coming together to inspire you to greatness and shine a light on the path that will take us to victory. You will be encouraged. You will be emboldened. This is an event you do not want to miss. Get your tickets today, bring your teenagers, and let your friends know. This is the place to hear the truth and to be set on a course to see the champion rise in you. Save the date to empower your journey! See you there.Love and prayers,Laura-Lynn

Hands Off Our Kids/Protect Parental Rights

Please join your voice to the upcoming Protect Parental Rights nationwide initiative, on Saturday, October 21, 2023! Go to their website and find an event near you. Our own Mumma Bears are supporting these initiatives. Please share our newsletter and tell people to sign up, it's free! God Bless,Laura-Lynn

Thank You Beautiful Souls!

Never have we faced times that are so challenging to comprehend. Our lives are wrought with lies, misinformation, and deception from so many sources we once thought we could trust. That's why we do this, so that the truth has a platform to set us free.  Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  We will trust in this for the rest of our lives.

May God Bless your today and every day! Laura-Lynn

We no longer can trust our mainstream media, which is why independent journalists such as myself are the new way to receive accurate information about our world. Thank you for supporting us – your generosity and kindness keep information like this coming!

Below are several buttons that will link you up with my material and content across several platforms.  In this day and age, we may have to adapt; but they will not shut us down!  Make sure that you subscribe!

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Thank you for standing with us!  If you value this kind of broadcasting, would you consider becoming a monthly donor for $20, $50, or $100 or consider a one-time donation to enable us to continue this kind of unprecedented reporting. We will not get honest reporting from mainstream media and we believe that the Lord has commissioned us to speak the truth and to be salt and light in a very dark world. We are 100% viewer funded and cannot continue without the help of those who stand with us.  God bless you and may He open the windows of heaven over your life for your generosity.


Write to us at:

Laura-Lynn Ministries PO Box 48184, New Westminster, BCV3M 0A7

To all my faithful supporters,

The full time work that I now do to expose the darkness is only possible with your help.  I am deeply grateful for the letters, emails and support that you have been sending my way.Because of my open and honest stances, the courageous people I interview, the things that I say and the ideas that I fight for, I am increasingly being shadow-banned, censored and black-listed by those who do not share our worldview.  I consider it an honour to be called by the Lord to do what I cannot do without His help and mercy.Everyday, I now spend many, many hours working to share the truth about what is really happening and to stand against the whole land and false mainstream media, government and societal lies.  Most people who do this are let go from their jobs and the cancel culture tries to remove their voice or scare them from ever speaking up again.I truly am grateful for you, my wonderful viewers and supporters!  Your prayers, encouragement and kindness keep me going.  I often hear from one of you at the exact moment I need a word to uplift me as I battle on.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!If you find the information that I provide relevant, educational, and informative to your life and the situations we're facing together in North America, please consider becoming a monthly donor to help support the work that I do!  We are all in this together, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Deepest heartfelt appreciation in Jesus name,Laura-Lynn


God bless you for your part in making this possible!