Laura-Lynn's Newsletter March 29, 2024

Happy Easter!

- Easter Greetings from Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson -

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The Importance of Hope!

Amidst the weighty topics we often delve into, it's crucial to remember the uplifting power of hope as we enter Easter weekend. In a world where real data can be obscured, where half-truths or outright falsehoods are served up daily, holding onto the veracity of an authentic miracle that took place 2000 years ago, is like a treasure in a vast sea of dark uncertainty. Good Friday, celebrated worldwide, tells the epic true story of the Prince of Heaven, humbling Himself to come to earth, not to become the emperor, but a servant who would die for every sinner who has ever lived.   The liars said Jesus’ body was stolen by His followers. His closest friends, initially in shock that they couldn’t find Him, eventually became part of thousands of witnesses who saw Jesus alive after the crucifixion. History records His body was never found. Eventually ten of His disciples died a martyr’s death refusing to denounce the truth of who they knew He was. The prophesied Messiah. It has forced skeptics to ask the necessary question, “would any man die for a lie?”  The disciples knew who He was and it became their implacable mission to tell the world, until the world took them out as well. The resurrection sparked a fire in the souls of relentless believers, which has carried this message of hope, like a hurricane force blaze, to every nation and through every generation since. It has survived every attempt to diminish its power.  It has become the foundation of impassioned believers on every continent.  The faith is fierce and it still costs believers everything they have, once they know the truth.  We wouldn’t do life any other way. We are immensely grateful to host guests who not only bring truth but also share messages of hope and offer guidance on navigating our complex world. This week's lineup promises enlightening discussions and stories of remarkable heroes who embody courage.As we approach one of the most hope-filled Christian celebrations, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, may God's blessings overflow in your life.We encourage you to share our content and invite others to join our community, ensuring they stay informed through our programmingBlessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  1 Peter 1:3Much love,Laura-Lynn and the team

Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance with Kristina Morros

Our guest Kristina Morros is the manager of Clinical Support and Education for the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance. Kristina helps develop the teaching materials for the organization. Her primary focus is educating the public on Long Vax and Long Covid and helping patients find the treatment that they need. 

March 22, 2024

Terrorism and Targeted Violence

Dr. Carole Lieberman is a forensic psychiatrist and expert witness. She specializes in helping people who have been the victims of deep trauma experienced in things like terrorist attacks.

March 25, 2024

Revival Comes Through Israel

Robert Anthony from American Revival Press joined us talk about Israel’s fight for its survival and soul.

March 26, 2024

Live with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. Tenpenny has invested 21+ years and far more than 40,000 hours researching, documenting and exposing problems associated with vaccines. We discussed health and wellness and the failure of the medical community to shine a light on vaccine injuries and lack of efficacy. We also address the failure in leadership among our churches, exactly those people we should have been able to count on the most.

March 27, 2024

The Multifront War with Ken Abramowitz

Threat analyst, Ken Abramowitz joined us to talk about the many threats and challenges to Western civilization from multiple enemies like, Iran, China and Russia.

March 28, 2024

Make 2024 the Year of Gender Clarity!

Support our program AND look great doing it in these fun T-shirts. Make sure that there is no confusion about what your chromosomes are! 

Thank You Beautiful Souls!

Never have we faced times that are so challenging to comprehend. Our lives are wrought with lies, misinformation, and deception from so many sources we once thought we could trust. That's why we do this, so that the truth has a platform to set us free.  Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  We will trust in this for the rest of our lives.

May God Bless your today and every day! Laura-Lynn

We no longer can trust our mainstream media, which is why independent journalists such as myself are the new way to receive accurate information about our world. Thank you for supporting us – your generosity and kindness keep information like this coming!

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Thank you for standing with us!  

If you value this kind of broadcasting, would you consider becoming a monthly donor for $20, $50, or $100?   A one-time donation to enable us to continue this kind of unprecedented reporting is also appreciated.  You can even choose any of these options and remain anonymousWe will not get honest reporting from legacy media.  We know the Lord has commissioned us to speak the truth without fear. We are 100% viewer-funded and cannot continue without the help of those who stand with us.  God bless you and may He open the windows of heaven over your life for your generosity. 

LAURA LYNN MINISTRIES- also known as -SHEPPARD MINISTRIES SOCIETY Write to us at:Laura-Lynn Ministries PO Box 48184, QueensboroughNew Westminster, BCV3M 0A7 

To all my faithful supporters,

We are increasingly being shadow-banned, censored and black-listed by those who do not share our worldview. The things we say and the ideas that we fight for are not celebrated in this dark world.Every day, we spend many hours gathering information to share about what is really happening.  Like Jeremiah, we stand against the whole land, including the government, the false mainstream media and the establishment.  Most people who do this are let go from their jobs and cancel culture tries to remove their voice or scare them from ever speaking up again.  I truly am grateful for you, my wonderful viewers and supporters!  Your prayers, encouragement and kindness keep me going.  I often hear from one of you at the exact moment I need a word to uplift me as I battle on.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!If you find the information that we provide relevant and informative, please consider becoming a monthly donor to help support the work that we do. Go to my website at and you will receive my book, Relentless Redemption for a new monthly donation of $20 or more.  We are so grateful for your generosity and kindness. Much love, Laura-Lynn


God bless you for your part in making this possible!