Laura-Lynn's Newsletter July 17th, 2023

Who Will Protect Our Children?

- Greetings from Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson -

Important Updates & Must Watch Interviews! 

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Who Will Protect Our Children?

It's time to remove your children from public schools.  Your child is not safe for one more day!

SOGI 123 is a program focused on ensuring educators “make schools inclusive and safe for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI).” A SOGI-inclusive school ensures that the student’s sexual orientation and how they express it is welcomed. The aim is to protect students from discrimination and ensure that all students feel “welcomed, included and respected in a safe learning environment, while being fully and completely themselves.” SOGI proponents (which include all levels of our governments), imply that until we embrace the LBGTQIA agenda bullying will never be resolved and children will never feel safe. But their kind of safety makes it possible for young men to comfortably, without question, enter a girl's bathroom and violently beat them. Is this the safety that SOGI proponents are referencing? By safety are they referencing teachers safely presenting sex toys to 11-year-olds in their classroom without parental permission?

If you would like to know more about home school pods that are being developed, contact this organization.

I have been fighting to unmask the SOGI agenda for years. This is a terrible evil masquerading as compassion, acceptance, and love. This is the language they use to deceive so many. Is it love to break God’s laws and our own civil laws?  We see that far too many are able to escape our civil laws simply by professing a protected sexual proclivity. When pedophilia becomes a protected sexuality termed “minor-attracted persons” (MAP) we see the writing on the wall. The WEF’s Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) promotes the idea that children are by nature sexual beings deserving of knowledge and information to help them actualize their true sexual potentialWhat is the purpose of the current overt sexualization of our children? Here is something to consider:  they are grooming our children. Sexual deviants are behind this agenda. In the surprise box office hit, Sound of Freedom we see the cruel and seemingly distant world of sex trafficking. However, it is not so distant. Tim Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) and the person the movie is about, explains what he calls “the pedophile network doctrines” some of which is similarly outlined on the Government of Canada’s description of sexual grooming, which include: 

  1. separate children from parents, because parents are a bad influence, the state knows best;

  2. sexualize kids, let them see pornography;

  3. take God out of education because that just gets in the way; 

  4. kids consent, consent, consent. Children can consent to anything.

 What can we do? We need to understand as parents the most important action we can take is to get involved in our child’s life. Connecting with them, working to understand them, creating healthy boundaries for acceptable behaviour, and keeping lines of communication open so they know they are loved. Institutions and social media influencers don’t replace the love of a parent. True sacrificial love is the best protection that comes to us from the example of our loving God.   For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10 They are entering your tent. Remember they warned us they are coming for our childrenare you going to stand by and let them? God Bless,


Nova Scotia Mother Outraged at School Sex Toy Presentation

Do you remember when school was a place to learn the three Rs? "Reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic" 😉. Maybe witnessed or experience the odd altercation with the local bully. Maybe you, or someone you knew, got in trouble with the teacher for being lippy or not submitting/knowing the lesson of the day. The teachers and administrators were expected to notify parents, work with them to resolve issues, and when necessary even maybe step in to PROTECT your child.In the following interview, I talk to Ona, a Nova Scotia mother who was shocked and angered at finding out what her local schools were handing out and displaying to schoolchildren. This isn't the school of my childhood...

July 3, 2023

President of Liberty Sentinel Media, Alex Newman talks about some of the big Supreme Court decisions recently handed down in the US. One of them strikes down US colleges from using Affirmative Action in deciding on applicants. The one most recently released, rules that Biden cannot unilaterally forgive US student loan debt. And of course, we will talk about many other "happenings" in the US and Canada including the nefarious gender agenda it's now a brazen attack on our children and our communities.

June 30, 2023

Pastor Faces 10 Years in Prison

sections 173(1), (2) and 174 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada on public decency because Pride parades warrant that exception. Schools and libraries are violating sections 163 (1) and 152 of the criminal code with books that are nothing short of pornography and authorities are turning a blind eye.All the while Pastors are jailed and harassed for trying to protect our children. Pastor Artur Pawlowski was 

 and is currently facing 10 years in prison for what the current judicial system is calling public mischief because he dared to challenge the government-sponsored narrative to shut us down, jab us up, and keep us compliant. His son Nathaniel was arrested in recent months for protesting a drag storytime in Calgary and a warrant was issued for his arrest while he was in Europe to address the EU.

July 6, 2023

Thank You Beautiful Souls!

Never in recent memory have we faced times that are so challenging to comprehend. Our lives are wrought with lies, misinformation, and deception from so many sources we once thought we could trust. That's why we do this so that the truth has a platform to set us free. May God Bless your today and every day! Laura-Lynn

We no longer can trust our mainstream media, which is why independent journalists such as myself are the new way to receive accurate information about our world. Thank you for supporting us – your generosity and kindness keep information like this coming!

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Write to us at:

Laura-Lynn Ministries PO Box 48184, New Westminster, BCV3M 0A7

To all my faithful supporters,

The full time work that I now do to expose the darkness is only possible with your help.  I am deeply grateful for the letters, emails and support that you have been sending my way.Because of my open and honest stances, the courageous people I interview, the things that I say and the ideas that I fight for, I am increasingly being shadow-banned, censored and black-listed by those who do not share our worldview.  I consider it an honour to be called by the Lord to do what I cannot do without His help and mercy.Everyday, I now spend many, many hours working to share the truth about what is really happening and to stand against the whole land and false mainstream media, government and societal lies.  Most people who do this are let go from their jobs and the cancel culture tries to remove their voice or scare them from ever speaking up again.I truly am grateful for you, my wonderful viewers and supporters!  Your prayers, encouragement and kindness keep me going.  I often hear from one of you at the exact moment I need a word to uplift me as I battle on.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!If you find the information that I provide relevant, educational, and informative to your life and the situations we're facing together in North America, please consider becoming a monthly donor to help support the work that I do!  We are all in this together, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Deepest heartfelt appreciation in Jesus name,Laura-Lynn


God bless you for your part in making this possible!