Laura-Lynn's Newsletter December 12, 2023

The Lies Nations Weave

- Greetings from Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson -

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"...ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country... ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man...whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." 

President John F.Kennedy Inaugural speech January 20, 1961 

How far have we fallen from the ideal set out in this inspirational speech? Imagine not only stating, but believing that our duty as humans and as citizens is of strength and sacrifice, good conscience and responsibility to each other and ultimately to God. Can you remember a time when you believed that of the leader of your country and those who were elected to serve the best interest of the public? I do. I remember trusting that my vote was my voice and my voice meant something. How many of us have seen the veil fall from that naive conviction? Have our nations truly changed so much or has the corruption that long existed come to light? We are reminded of the importance of Faith, Hope, and Love as we near Christmas. We are invited to refocus our attention on family, friends, and giving. We should consider the importance of taking time to recharge, renew, and remember that while there are many things that we have no control over there are things we can control. In a recent conversation, I was reminded of the beautiful and compelling words of Viktor Frankl, concentration camp survivor and psychologist "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." Our situation in recent years has not been good. We have been lied to, deceived, manipulated, and those in power have not stopped. While I cannot change those who are behaving dastardly, I can change how I choose to react to it. I can educate myself, I can make positive changes in my life, and I can continue to call out the lies and unmask the deception where I see it. And finally, I can remember that Good will always win over evil and Light will always pierce the darkness."For this, I was born, and for this I came into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice." John 18:37Help us pierce the darkness and empower change by sharing the stories and information in this newsletter. Forward it to a friend who you think may benefit from it. May God Bless you today and every day!Much love,Laura-Lynn 

How Obama Disastrously Transformed the United States

American Author Scott McKay helps us understand that some of the chaos we are seeing in the United States was implemented by Barack Obama. He shows how by guile, dishonesty, ruthlessness - and, yes, surface charm - as well as boundless support from a starstruck media, a man without prior achievement and despite connections to some of the most notorious figures in American life, was able to reach the nation's highest office; and then abuse his power for ends wholly alien to the American creed.

November 28, 2023

Global Security Issues with MEP Christine Anderson

On her recent Canadian tour, I had a quick chat with European MP Christine Anderson about global Security Issues and Germany's problem with mass migration.

December 2, 2023

Eva Vlaardingerbroek and the Fight Against Evil

On her recent tour of Canada, I had a chance to talk with Dutch journalist Eva Vlaardingerbroek about the rising evil we are seeing in western societies.

December 2 2023

The Israeli Palestinian Hamas Conflict Unravelled

Lebanese-born pastor Georges Antonios joined us to share his perspective on the complicated history of Israel & Palestine.

December 1, 2023

Reach A Broader Audience!

Please take a look at my personal clip here or click on the image below! If you are, or know, an independent news broadcaster, vlogger, podcaster, or Pastor who uses video content delivery and wishes to learn more about how to transform video broadcasts with our multilingual technology, please USE PROMO CODE LLTT and reach out to Michael Clark at [email protected]Michael is an expert in this field and can provide you with all the necessary information to commence your multilingual broadcast journey, including the process, pricing, and timing. We are eager to support this venture and collaborate with those who wish to make their message universally accessible and more impactful.We understand technology poses the potential for abuse. Technology itself is not bad. The intent of the user is where technology can go right or wrong.God Bless,Laura-Lynn

Thank You Beautiful Souls!

Never have we faced times that are so challenging to comprehend. Our lives are wrought with lies, misinformation, and deception from so many sources we once thought we could trust. That's why we do this, so that the truth has a platform to set us free.  Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  We will trust in this for the rest of our lives.

May God Bless your today and every day! Laura-Lynn

We no longer can trust our mainstream media, which is why independent journalists such as myself are the new way to receive accurate information about our world. Thank you for supporting us – your generosity and kindness keep information like this coming!

Below are several buttons that will link you up with my material and content across several platforms.  In this day and age, we may have to adapt; but they will not shut us down!  Make sure that you subscribe!

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Donate through PayPal or Credit Card at my website

Thank you for standing with us!  If you value this kind of broadcasting, would you consider becoming a monthly donor for $20, $50, or $100 or consider a one-time donation to enable us to continue this kind of unprecedented reporting. We will not get honest reporting from mainstream media and we believe that the Lord has commissioned us to speak the truth and to be salt and light in a very dark world. We are 100% viewer funded and cannot continue without the help of those who stand with us.  God bless you and may He open the windows of heaven over your life for your generosity.


Write to us at:

Laura-Lynn Ministries PO Box 48184, New Westminster, BCV3M 0A7

To all my faithful supporters,

The full time work that I now do to expose the darkness is only possible with your help.  I am deeply grateful for the letters, emails and support that you have been sending my way.Because of my open and honest stances, the courageous people I interview, the things that I say and the ideas that I fight for, I am increasingly being shadow-banned, censored and black-listed by those who do not share our worldview.  I consider it an honour to be called by the Lord to do what I cannot do without His help and mercy.Everyday, I now spend many, many hours working to share the truth about what is really happening and to stand against the whole land and false mainstream media, government and societal lies.  Most people who do this are let go from their jobs and the cancel culture tries to remove their voice or scare them from ever speaking up again.I truly am grateful for you, my wonderful viewers and supporters!  Your prayers, encouragement and kindness keep me going.  I often hear from one of you at the exact moment I need a word to uplift me as I battle on.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!If you find the information that I provide relevant, educational, and informative to your life and the situations we're facing together in North America, please consider becoming a monthly donor to help support the work that I do!  We are all in this together, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Deepest heartfelt appreciation in Jesus name,Laura-Lynn


God bless you for your part in making this possible!