Laura-Lynn Newsletter June 04, 2021

Fauci emails, children and the vaccination! Lots of important info! 😇

- Greetings from Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson -

Important Updates & Must Watch Interviews! 

June 4, 2021

Vancouver Freedom Worship Rally

The next Freedom Worship rally will be heldJune 13th at Jack Poole Plaza at 11:00 am.  

The Miracle Son

2 year old Joel McCrea has had a surprising and unprecedented reversal of a potentially life-threatening brain disorder, baffling doctors and increasing the faith of family and friends. His father Joe, joins us to take us on his family's miraculous journey.

June 4, 2021

Fire Fauci and Dr. Trozzion the truth about the vaccine

Dr Mark Trozzi will join us to talk about his research into the Pandemic and the efficacy of the gene therapy's being paraded as a vaccine. Joe McCrea will update us on his son's condition and his miraculous healing.

June 4, 2021


A former Liberal MP came on to talk about organ harvesting in China, but fireworks erupted before we could get to the main topic. He was appalled at my political views.

June 3, 2021

A Bloody Harvest:A look at the CCP & Organ Harvesting

David Kilgour is the former minister for Latin America and Africa (1997-2002) and Asia-Pacific (2002-2003) in the cabinet of Prime Minister Jean Chretien. He represented south-east Edmonton in the House of Commons from 1979 to 2006 during eight Parliaments.He and David Matas were nominated in 2010 for the Nobel Peace Prize for their book, Bloody Harvest, and the campaign to end state-run organ abuse across China.Mark Friesen (aka The Grizzly Patriot) pops in to talk about his upcoming BC tour where he will visit Kelowna, Vernon and other cities.

June 3, 2021

Police Ignore Assault VictimsTo Arrest Teenage Freedom Fighter

Evan from Saskatchewan will join us to talk about some of the outrageous things teachers have told him about getting the vaccine.

June 3, 2021


Recent email revelations appear to show that Dr. Fauci knew about gain of function being carried out at the Wuhan lab and that he was responsible for funding part of it. Rumors are swirling around D.C. that Fauci may be stepping down soon. Plus, Norm Traversy and Paul Taylor will join us to talk about some policies of the WCB that allow them to skirt the rules when it comes to compensating workers injured on the job.

June 2, 2021

Dr. Hodkinson on whether you shouldvaccinate your children

June 1, 2021

Interview with Richard Decarie

Richard Decarie joins us to talk about the challenges facing Canadians with Conservative values and where they should park their votes in looming election this fall.

May 28, 2021

Doctor Issues Stark Warning on Children being vaccinatedfor COVID-19

Tyler Nicholson an average Canadian is under attack from his local government after questioning their Covid restrictions.

May 31, 2021

Pastor Giulio Gabeli of Westwood Community Church in BC, talks about the rise of anti-semitism and anti-asian hate he sees occuring.

May 31, 2021

Buisness Owner ForbidsMasked & Vaxxed Customers

Business owner Steve Merrill from Kelowna, BC, does not allow masked or vaxxed customers in his store.  Since adopting this policy, he has seen an explosion in business. 

May 31, 2021

Two young men are putting up a fight against the vaccination propaganda in Saskatchewan.

May 29, 2021

An arrest warrant for Pastor Tobias Tissen has been issued and he joins us to talk about why he has yet to surrender. Pastor Henry Hildebrandt also weighs in on the state of Christianity in Canada.

May 28, 2021

'We Are Not Backing Down':

Court Decision Sparks ‘Worship Protests’ in BC


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The issue of vaccinations is barreling down on us.  Saying that vaccines are not mandatory, but then denying us the right to fly or enter "certain premises", or be forced to continue to wear a mask if we do not wish to get the vaccine is an abomination to freedom.It is very clear that the elderly should be protected and no one denies this, but when the general population has a survival rate of over 99%, this has become a politicized event, used to restrict travel, restrict sovereign personal freedoms and inflict a bias set of rules that are highly contentious throughout the medical community.Expert doctors have come forward to hotly debate the tyrannical lockdowns, mask wearing, vaccine promotion and threat of discrimination against those who look at the full measure and scope of all the facts.When thousands of certified expert doctors across the world are crying foul, we have the right to ask important questions, which the mainstream media and political opportunists will not put forward.


Anything on this page is my donated work to the cause of truth.  If you appreciate the war we are in, every donation counts.  Your support changes everything!

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Laura-Lynn Ministries Box 48184, Queensborough PO,New Westminster, BCV3M 0A7

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To all my faithful supporters,

The full time work that I now do to expose the darkness is only possible with your help.  I am deeply grateful for the letters, emails and support that you have been sending my way.Because of my open and honest stances, the courageous people I interview, the things that I say and the ideas that I fight for, I am increasingly being shadow-banned, censored and black-listed by those who do not share our worldview.  I consider it an honour to be called by the Lord to do what I cannot do without His help and mercy.Everyday, I now spend many, many hours working to share the truth about what is really happening and to stand against the whole land and false mainstream media, government and societal lies.  Most people who do this are let go from their jobs and the cancel culture tries to remove their voice or scare them from ever speaking up again.I truly am grateful for you, my wonderful viewers and supporters!  Your prayers, encouragement and kindness keep me going.  I often hear from one of you at the exact moment I need a word to uplift me as I battle on.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!If you find the information that I provide relevant, educational, and informative to your life and the situations we're facing together in North America, please consider becoming a monthly donor to help support the work that I do!  We are all in this together, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Deepest heartfelt appreciation in Jesus name,Laura-Lynn


God bless you for your part in making this possible!